Most of the skinny guys are tired of being skinny nowadays, are you one of them and do you try to pack on some pure muscle mass? then try these following science and nutritionists backed tips.


Most of the guys who want to build muscle mass usually make a similar mistake, they try to train like bodybuilders but what they don't know is bodybuilders use drugs. building muscle like a professional bodybuilder naturally is hardly possible.

However, I also despise people saying that they have tried everything to build muscle but nothing works".You may have tried a couple of things but you have not tried the right things yet.  

here are some proven ways to build muscle naturally.

  • weight lifting to build muscle
lifting weights is the only way to make your muscles grow. when you start lifting weights you are actually recruiting muscle fibers, as repetitions continue the body recruits more muscle fibers and performs the work. when you reach the point of failure that actually means all the muscle fibers are recruited and you have reached muscle hypertrophy
after an intense workout during the rest periods body repairs the damaged muscle fibers making them strong as compared to before.

  • Training frequency to build muscle
If your aim is to build strength and get stronger you should do full-body exercises every alternate day, giving your body enough time to recover damaged muscle fiber.
but if your goal is to build muscle and you go to the gym 6 times a week then split training is for you, in which you will have dedicated day for every muscle group.  

  • Focus on compound exercises to build muscle
Any workout will be intense enough to trigger protein synthesis if you are a beginner. But if you have been training for a while you will most likely build muscle very quickly with compound and multi-joint movements. recruit squats, bench presses, military presses, pull-ups, dead-lifts, and dips to your work out. because during compound exercises more than one muscle group is used to perform the workout for example while doing bench press primary muscle group is chest and other muscle groups used during this workout are triceps and your core muscles.

  • Nutrition is important to build muscle
watch your macros protein, carbs and fats all these 3 macros play a vital role while building muscle mass.
when your body stores protein in a process called protein synthesis muscles to grow, but the body uses protein for some other tasks i.e production of hormones, leaving insufficient protein available to build muscle. you should eat 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight to build muscle.

  • Essential nutrients 

calcium is vital micro-nutrient for muscle contraction and energy metabolism 

cheese, almonds, and sardines.

Biotin It plays an important role in converting carbohydrates, fats, and protein into the energy

peanut butter, oats, egg yolks, and almonds.

It forms part of hemoglobin which helps transport oxygen from lungs to muscles, it also helps keep your immune system strong.

Dried apricots, sardines, bran cereals, and venison

omega 3
this nutrient helps to improve blood flow and keeps heart healthy and also suppresses hunger which helps in losing fat.

Brazil nuts, flax-seed oil, salmon, mackerel and walnuts.

Vitamin D
This helps the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus.
oily fish, olive oil, Eggs, yogurt, and sunflower seeds.    

zinc enables your body to produce a muscle-building hormone called testosterone, it also promotes recovery from exercise, boosts fertility and increases the infection-fighting T-cells.

Red meat, eggs, pulses, pumpkin seeds, and cheese.


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